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Military Collection: Home

The Military Collection contains resources regarding military science and military history.

The Military Collection

Vise Library's Military Collection consists of books and films concerning military science and military history. The military science collection includes resources devoted to military life, the organization of military forces, military tactics and strategy, training, administration, establishments, equipment, and supplies. There are also resources specifically concerning armaments and advanced weaponry, as well as the Navy, naval science, the Air Force, and biographies of military figures.

The books and DVDs concerning military history range from the Ancient Era, the Medieval Era, and the Napoleonic Wars, to those regarding the American Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the American Civil War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This subject guide does not include an exhaustive list of all books and DVDs in the library about military science and military history. Rather, this subject guide offers a good representation of Vise Library's holdings regarding those topics. Additionally, the artwork accompanying the resources in this subject guide may or may not be an exact duplicate of what is in the library's collection. The comments about each book or DVD are the work of the publishers, as set forth on the book jacket or in the Amazon listing. They are reproduced herein for educational purposes only. 

Anyone from the Cumberland University community can access these resources, and we encourage everyone to do so in order to educate themselves and others about military science and military history. The call number for a book may have a letter designating where in the library the book may be found. "M" is the Military Collection, "O" is the Oversized Collection, "R" is for the Reference Collection, "A" is for Archives, and "GF" is the George Franz Collection.

Any of our librarians can help you locate these materials or help you find other materials not included herein.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions on what materials to add to the list,

please email us at or call us at 615-547-1299.

Finally, here is the address for the Vise Library's home page:

Contact Information

Please contact the library by:

  • visiting in person at Vise Library, the building to the right of Memorial Hall;
  • calling at 615-547-1299, or
  • send an email to 

What is Military Science?

What is Military History?