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The Stockton Archives | Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tennessee

A Look Back...

The Stockton Archives looks back 100 years to the class of 1924.

Memorial Hall, 1934.

In total, Cumberland University educated 750 students in the academic year of 1924. This number included 318 Law School students, 5 graduate students, and 35 home economic students. Our school included five different departments: the College of Arts and Science, the Law School, the Conservatory of Music, the Yancey School of Commerce and Journalism, and the Preparatory School. Students could take an array of courses, including Elements of Cookery for Homemaking, Elementary Sewing, Life of Christ and the Work of the Apostles, or Aristophanes, the Clouds, Thucydides, the Sicilian Expedition, along with other courses still offered at Cumberland today, such as English Composition, Astronomy, and Organic Chemistry. At the time, one could acquire a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Law, or a Master of Arts. Today, Cumberland offers 8 Associate's degrees, 6 Bachelor's degrees, and 10 Master's degrees.  






LEFT: In 1924, Football, Women's and Men's Basketball, and Baseball were offered by the athletics department under Athletic Director Roger G. Murray. 






RIGHT: President John Royal Harris was honored in the 1924 Phoenix Annual, as students dedicated the entire issue to him. He served as university president from 1922 until 1926.