What is APA style?
APA style is a form of citation created and developed by the American Psychological Association. Its goal is to create precision and cohesion in academic research and communication.
Who should use APA style?
Although APA was developed by the American Psychological Association, students, professors, and professionals within many different disciplines use APA style. Check with your professor before you use APA in a research paper to make sure it is appropriate for your class and assignment.
APA Style Citation Guide
(Used with permission from Chattanooga State Community College)
Author(s) | Date |
Title of book/database |
Title of Article | Title of Periodical |
Volume/Issue | Pages | Place of Publication | Publisher | Other Information |
Book (APA Handbook, 202-203)
Niffenegger, A. (2003). The time traveler's wife. Orlando: Harcourt.
Edited Book (APA Handbook, 202)
Hoy, C. (Ed.). (1992). Hamlet: An authoritative text, intellectual backgrounds,
extracts from the sources, essays in criticism. New York:
W. W. Norton & Company.
Book article or chapter (APA Handbook, 204)
Ellison, R. (2004). Richard Wright's blues. In H. L. Gates and N. Y. McKay (Eds.),
Norton anthology of african american literature. (1538-48). New York:
W. W. Norton & Company.
Journal article from a database (no DOI number available) (APA Handbook, 199)
Waldie, J. (2010). Healthcare assistant role development: a literature review.
Journal of Advanced Perioperative Care, 4(2), 61-72.
Retrieved from http://www.afpp.org.uk/
Journal article from a database (DOI number available) (APA Handbook, 198)
Poorterman, J. H. G., Dikkes, B. T., & Brand, H. S. (2010).
Dental hygiene students' parttime jobs in dental practices in the Netherlands.
International Journal of Dental Hygiene. 8(2), 143-146.
doi: 10.1111/j.1601-5037.2009.00415.x
Online magazine article (APA Handbook, 200)
Clay, R. (2008). Science vs. ideology: Psychologists
fight back about the misuse of research. Monitor on Psychology, 39(6).
Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/monitor
Online book (APA Handbook, 203)
Jan, B., & Fernandex, A. (2004). Opportunities in film careers [NetLibrary version].
Retrieved from www.http://www.netlibrary.com/Reader/
Website (APA Handbook, 187-92)
AMA teams with press ganey to help physicians get valid patient feedback (2010).
American Medical Association. Retrieved from
Maplewood, New Jersey. (2010). Google maps. Retrieved from
The library has a copy of the latest APA manual on reserve (for library use only).
A tutorial by Vaughan Memorial Library at Acadia University about citing sources and avoiding plaigirism.